Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You are a Gift

Good Tuesday Morning to everyone,
I pray that the weekend holiday was restful for each of you and your families.  We enjoyed some time together as a family as well before the girls headed back to school today.
It was wonderful to be together on Sunday. I truly believe that God meet us that evening as we worshiped together and took time to dive into His word.  I hope that you were as blessed as I was that night.  I believe that God is building "community" as we meet together.  Thanks so much for participating so enthusiastically. It was a great night!  If you were not able to make it know that you were missed and we look forward to seeing you next time. 
I just wanted to re-cape a bit and also encourage you for this week as you reflect on what we shared and talked about in our small groups and as a larger group.  
We talked about how each one of fits into the Mission that God is calling us too.  It's different for each person because God has uniquely gifted each one of us.  Some of you may have answered that questions easily while others may still be wrestling with where you feel God may have you.  That's ok! We are a continued work in progress. I believe that as you continue to seek Him in this that He will show you in time.  

Ephesions 4:11-12
 Now these are the gifts 
Christ gave to the church:
 the apostles, the prophets, 
the evangelists, 
and the pastors and teachers. 
Their responsibility is to equip 
God's people to do his work 
and build up the church, 
the body of Christ.

On a final note I want to leave you with this verse from Sunday - talking about people who came together to love and serve on another.  My challenge to you for this week is to pray and ask God who he would have you to encourage this week.  Part of being a community is reaching out to one another. Maybe someone needs an encouraging word or needs a helping hand.  Whatever may come across your path this week I pray that you will reach out with "community".  

Acts 2:42-47
All the believers devoted themselves 
to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, and to prayer.
  A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders.

Be Blessed,
Pastor Brian

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