Monday, September 13, 2010

We Plant the Seed, God Sends the Rain

Good Morning,

Once again we had a wonderful time together last evening.  I am enjoying growth in our relationships as we gather and build community.  It was a lot of fun drawing maps, talking about our circle of accountability, and discussing who we are as the people of Nelson.  

Today's verse comes from Zechariah which is not a book that I read very often, but it was on my chronological Bible reading list for today.  As read this, something struck me that I had never thought about before. (Don't try to make an inductive Bible Study proof out of this, but I think the principle that the Holy Spirit showed me is well supported by scripture)  This passage talks about God sending the rain to water the crops.  As, I read this what I realized was that there are many places in scripture where it talks about God sending or withholding the rain.  But, can't think of a place that talks about Him planting the seed.  That piece is our responsibility.  In every work that we are called to do there is a part that we can take responsibility for, and there is a part that is out of our control and we have to trust God for.  That is what makes life a relationship.  It isn't all about us and it isn't all about Him.  Our gracious God has chosen to make it us co-laborers together.  Our struggle becomes when we get out of balance one way or another.  Either trying to do it all ourselves without trusting God or sitting back lazily doing nothing expecting Him to do it all.  As we plant this church, go to work, go to school, raise our children, etc. let us experience the peace and blessing that comes from co-laboring with Him.

Zech. 10:1
Ask the Lord for rain in the spring,
  for he makes the storm clouds.
And he will send showers of rain
  so every field becomes a lush pasture.

Live in Peace,

Pastor Brian

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